
The word 'Strangers' reminds me of the time when I served as a Summer missionary in Hong Kong. This is the first time that I try to greet people along the way long on the street with a smiley face. And I took this picture from the garden of Hale4 & 6. When I saw, a bee flying around the flower. This reminds me of the two unknown people meeting together. This situation creates a special, exciting, a bit uncertain, and inspiring atmosphere. From this picture, you can tell that it is a sunny day. And the white flowers look bright. And the tone of the picture is warm and friendly. The flower that I focus on seems to be attracted by the bee. I think that this connects to my previous experience of greeting people on the street. Even we are strangers to anyone we don't know. But if we try to be grateful and positive and happy, like the white flower, spreading its petals fully, this can attract and bring happiness to others.

